Thursday, 26 September 2013

Ethan shares his results

Micah and Taane's Results from their Fair Test

Micah and Taane tested different materials to see which was the best one to hold an egg when dropped from a height. Here are their results shared in a power point.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

Fair Test By Daisy, Isla and Lea

Daisy and Lea share their results of the fair test; Testing the strength of materials. Isla is filming-great angles.

Wearable art photos

Monday, 9 September 2013

Planning our fair-tests

As scientists we are planning our investigations /fair tests to test various materials. We are working co-operatively in small groups.
Ollie, Josh and Carter are planning to test which material is best for a parachute.

Micah and Taane are planning to test which materials protect an egg when they are wrapped around the egg and dropped from a height.

Hayden, Ben and Ryan are testing what fabric would make the best parachute for an egg. as scientists they tell me that they will need to make a fair test by having the fabric the same size and everything the same weight.

jack, Dylan and Thomas are testing magnet power under water. As scientists they say they will need to precisely measure distances.

- Posted the i pad in Room 5

Location:Hawea Flat

Thursday, 5 September 2013


Enjoy your last day of School Skiing tomorrow. I will hopefully get to ski with some of you at TC. Mrs Sandri

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Tek Rush

Tek Rush was held last week in Cromwell. Six Year 5 students got to enjoy the day and have returned with new ideas to support our learning.

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Our class treaty

Our class did a treaty with, respect others, responsible for my learning, respect property and responsible for myself. We all Signed it! There is a pictures of our treaty!!!

- Posted the i pad in Room 5

Location:Camp Hill Road,Hawea Flat,New Zealand


Today we tested to see which material was the best insulator. The foil and polystyrene foam were the top insulators and the glad wrap was the worst.

In these picture Micah, Dylan and Taane are checking the results and thinking of changes for next time.

- Posted the i pad in Room 5


Drama today, with Mrs Duff, making a special thank you to Rotary.

Monday, 12 August 2013

Highlighter vests

Thanks to the Rotary Club for supplying the wonderful vests to keep us safe.
- Posted the i pad in Room 5

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

If I was an explorer...

Today we were writing about what we would like to explore if we could. Children worked with a buddy to share their ideas. these photos captured children listening to each other really well.

- Posted the i pad in Room 5

Location:Hawea Flat

Working together

This week we have been working together to plan our class set up. We worked in pairs, fours and eights to share our ideas, make conclusions and negotiate a class plan. The skills we used were communication, creative thinking, negotiation, respect for others and listening.

Posted the i pad in Room 5

Location:Hawea Flat

Monday, 1 July 2013

Why do people enjoy drinking milk?

Carter's survey results from our inquiry last term.

Snow Soccer

Playing soccer in the snow was great fun. This was accompanied by harmonica playing with Ethan!

Radio Play

The radio show was written by Joe. There was a lot of laughs to get it finished.

Lots of fun at a recent show

Sunday, 30 June 2013

OH WOW Look at our snow!

Playing soccer in the snow!

- Posted the i pad in Room 5

Location:Hawea Flat

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Snow Day

Look who I found making snow men today!
Email me your photos and I will put them on the blog. 
It's or put them on your own blog.

I have updated your Mathletics tasks for those who are keen for home school!

Thursday, 13 June 2013

The Big Sad Wolf

We had a fabulous, hilarious show to watch this afternoon. Just what we needed after an amazing week doing our own production!

Location:Hawea Flat

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Production practice

This is some of our uke players practising for the big show Dylan in the green top,Ben in the white at the back and Ethan in the red.

Ed and tenzing doing the curtain call.

Location:Camp Hill Road,,New Zealand